Annual Conferences

The South Asia Women’s Network (SWAN) is a programme headquartered in the Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, a Central University located in New Delhi (India). Professor Veena Sikri, who holds the Ford Foundation endowed Chair (Bangladesh Studies Programme) at the Academy of International Studies, is the Convener of SWAN.

SWAN emerged from the Conference on “Women of South Asia : Partners in Development”, organized at Jamia Millia Islamia on 30-31 March 2009, with the support of ICCR and the South Asia Foundation (SAF). This Conference was inaugurated by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, former Managing Director, Grameen Bank, Bangladesh.more>>

- Fifth Annual Conference of SWAN – “Gender Equity for Peace and Sustainable Development for the Women of South Asia”
Colombo, Sri Lanka from 23-24 August 2013
Colombo Declaration

- Fourth Annual Conference of SWAN –“Women of South Asia and Sustainable Development in Kathmandu”
Kathmandu, Nepal from 17-18 July 2012
Kathmandu Declaration

- Third Annual conference of SWAN- “Women of South Asia and the Green Economy”
Dhaka, Bangladesh from July 2 and 3, 2011
Conference Report |  Dhaka Declaration | Media Note | Peace Charter | Media Coverage – Daily Star July 3 2011 , Daily Star July 3 2011,      Daily Star July 4 2011Daily Star July 4 2011Daily Star July 4 2011 | Editorial by Nishani Dissanayake | Extracts from the speech by Uchita de Zoysa | Photo Gallery

- Second Annual Conference of SWAN – “Media Perspectives by Women Journalists and Women as Partners in Development”
Chandigarh,India from 13-15 March 2010.

- First Annual Conference of SWAN – “Women of South Asia : Partners in Development”
organized at Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, India from 30-31 March 2009

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